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Privacy Policy

General information
Welcome to our Privacy Policy page. When you use our web site, you entrust us with information. This Privacy Policy is intended to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. When you share information with us, we can create better services for you. In this way, we can show you better results, help you connect with people, or make sharing with others faster and easier. As you use our services, we want you to be clear about how we use information and the ways in which you can protect your privacy. We will try to keep it as simple as possible.
Personal Data Protection Law
In accordance with Law No. 29733 - Personal Data Protection Law and its Regulations approved by Supreme Decree 003-2013-JUS, the interested party gives their express consent for the personal data they provide to be incorporated into the Personal Data Bank of people interested in MAGO Trading S.A.C and are treated by it in order to answer their queries and provide them with advertising information, giving them uses that include issues related to the import of products. The user authorizes MAGO Trading S.A.C. keep your personal data in the referred data bank as long as they are useful for the aforementioned purpose and uses.
Data Delition
The interested party may exercise their right of access, update, rectification, inclusion, opposition and deletion or cancellation of personal data by sending their decision to the email address: